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As the Aussie soap ends after a magnificent 37 years it is a pity that so many fail to take the advice given in the title tune: “Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours. With a little understanding, you can find the perfect blend!”

Neighbour disputes often result in hefty legal bills as the parties are more intent on wreaking revenge than they are on finding an amicable settlement. As Harold Macmillan pointed out in a quote usually—and wrongly—attributed to Churchill: “Jaw, jaw is better than war, war.” (1)

So it was with the case of Barbara Pilcher Vs Antoinette Williams, neighbours in the historic village of Dunsford near Goldalming in Surrey – once home to Top Gear.

Mrs Pilcher and Mrs Williams had a series of issues between them including a tree in Mrs Williams’ garden which dropped hundreds of rotting apples onto Mrs Pilcher’s lawn every year.

The relationship deteriorated and led to what was described in Court as “completely abnormal and disturbing behaviour” by Mrs Williams including peering through windows and loud phone conversations saying Mrs Pilsner was mentally ill.

The County Court Judge, Lawrence Cohen QC said the conduct reminded him of “bullying behaviour by school children trying to cause distress and exclude one of their number” The Court found that Mrs Williams had “caused alarm and distress to Mrs Pilcher and her family on an ongoing basis” and awarded Mrs Pilcher £12,000 damages. The damages, however, were dwarfed by the legal costs estimated to be over £240,000.

In the end, the only real beneficiaries were the lawyers epitomised by the classic 18th century parody of a lawsuit by J. Bright which first accompanied a 1700s magazine article. It shows a plaintiff and defendant arguing over a cow while the lawyer milks the cow

Saturday Live with Esther & Philip
from 44.11

  • Sir Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill’s official biographer pointed out that Churchill actually said ‘Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war.’ 



Andrew believes that there are many injustices which do not get the media attention they deserve, or indeed desperately need the oxygen of publicity for their cause.  This is where Andrew hopes to help.  By focusing on the injustice and assisting to promote, Andrew is keen to give an initial helping hand in any way he can make possible.

If there are particular issues you would like Andrew Eborn to investigate please provide information here so he may be able to assess if he can provide you with help.

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