Andrew Eborn Paper Review – talkative Tapirs & the Psychic alpaca successfully predicts No oui can’t !! France 2 England 1
Andrew Eborn joins David Bull & Renée Hoenderkamp Talk TV Paper Review from strikes, soccer & The Sussexes to talkative Tapirs & the psychic alpaca who said no oui can’t
THE LEGAL EAGLE HAS LANDED @AndrewEborn ‘s LAWFUL NEWS righting wrongs & discussing the week’s biggest cases #TheFuturist#LegalEagle @OctopusTV
Andrew Eborn, President Octopus TV Ltd, is an international lawyer, strategic business adviser, broadcaster, author and futurist. For many years Andrew has empowered companies to face the challenges of changing markets, maximise the return on their rights as well as assisting with the strategic development of their businesses. Andrew Eborn appears regularly on various channels around the world as a presenter / contributor on a wide range of topics as well as a speaker / host at live events including major festivals. @AndrewEborn @OctopusTV